Macabrekitty: These hats are meant for the cats but these two have had too much chocolate and are giggling like mad.
Macabrekitty: How are we supposed to finish the movie when the popcorn is all gone?!
Macabrekitty: Speck is so happy to finally have a friend AND a pretty dress! She thanks her auntie Marla for both! @crazyfish_666
Macabrekitty: Lilo and Speck side by side. They are about the same size but Speck, the blyh, is much thinner. She is almost swimming in the middie dress.
Macabrekitty: And then they bonded over chocolate.
Macabrekitty: Leo tells the little ones that she is the baby here and if they don't like it that's too bad because she's also bigger than they are. :p @crazyfish_666
Macabrekitty: We need more furniture
Macabrekitty: Story's hair is like it's own entity
Macabrekitty: The Blythe family plus Icy and Blyh
Macabrekitty: Omg...