mac_ivan: Hot lunch for the protesters
mac_ivan: Peeling up some garlic for lunch
mac_ivan: Queue for the soup
mac_ivan: Boiling water for the tea at Maydan
mac_ivan: Clearing up the snow and ice
mac_ivan: He’s clearly had enough of Yanukovich
mac_ivan: Snowed up
mac_ivan: Where Lenin stood still
mac_ivan: Standing in the snow
mac_ivan: A protester at Euromaidan
mac_ivan: Warming up by the fire
mac_ivan: Barricaded up incase police would make a move
mac_ivan: Makeshift shields
mac_ivan: Riot police blocking access to Khreschatyk street and Euromaidan
mac_ivan: Riot police blocking access to Khreschatyk street and Euromaidan
mac_ivan: Riot police blocking access to Khreschatyk street and Euromaidan
mac_ivan: Riot police blocking the way to the parliament building on Sunday night
mac_ivan: Riot police blocking the way to the parliament building on Sunday night
mac_ivan: Riot police blocking the way to the parliament building on Sunday night
mac_ivan: Captain Ivan Litvak of the presidential guard of Ukraine. Detained for provoking the police.
mac_ivan: A very passionate lady
mac_ivan: Freedom to Yulia!
mac_ivan: Someone’s in the mood for winter fun
mac_ivan: Ukrainian girls
mac_ivan: A protester on Sunday night
mac_ivan: Feeding the hungry mouths at Euromaidan in Kiev
mac_ivan: Not sure what this bunch was doing exactly
mac_ivan: A helmet and a wreath combo
mac_ivan: Police buss that blocks access to the parliament
mac_ivan: Preparing diner