Ma'ayan Plaut: First things first: there are bananas. We must fetch them. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: I guess I'll call you home for the next 6 hours. This is the longest day.
Ma'ayan Plaut: At least my lack of human can still appreciate this gorgeous sunrise. Maybe I'm waking up.
Ma'ayan Plaut: It is officially Too Early To Be A Human. #beepboop
Ma'ayan Plaut: Keffir lime, or every part of this tree smells/is delicious. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: Suriname cherry fruit leather. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: Avocado. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: Umeboshi plums. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: Keiki coffee. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: Fermented cacao beans. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: Cacao pods. They're like ornaments. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: This is my new favorite spot to read.
Ma'ayan Plaut: The separation: the fruit bowl of allergies. (Sigh. They're so cute. If only they didn't hurt.) #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: New *new* favorite spot to read.
Ma'ayan Plaut: South Kona coast.
Ma'ayan Plaut: Umeboshi plum tart. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: My future contains this asparagus and caper focaccia by @benplaut. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: Ginger meyer lemonade, all from the Hawaii homestead. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: Are you ready for this? Baby #foodhat, learning to make sushi at age three.
Ma'ayan Plaut: Current status: help, I'm stuck in Photoshop.
Ma'ayan Plaut: This doesn't even do this sunset justice. Purple, orange, red, pink, blue, yellow...
Ma'ayan Plaut: Pomegranate flowers.
Ma'ayan Plaut: Ti, glorious ti.
Ma'ayan Plaut: The freshest of figs. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: There are thousands of varieties of avocados in Hawaii. Right now, I think we have four in our kitchen. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: Study of lime in monochrome. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: Papaya-passion fruit smoothie. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: The way coconut water should be drunk. #foodhat
Ma'ayan Plaut: I fell in love with a puppy.