maar345: crossing the river in rainy season
maar345: Nigerian sunset
maar345: more mushroom shaped clouds
maar345: storm with its kids
maar345: GSM tower during the storm
maar345: starship sized storm coming
maar345: mushroom shaped cloud
maar345: kids on the road
maar345: Desert after rain
maar345: GSM tower in sunset
maar345: kitchen for hundreds
maar345: goat - soon to be eaten
maar345: local hunter
maar345: hunter succesfull
maar345: more dangerous way of travel
maar345: smile
maar345: selling petrol is a lot of fun
maar345: tropical clouds in Sahel
maar345: CTU workers
maar345: kid with mother
maar345: kid with father
maar345: patients
maar345: moon and clouds
maar345: Sunday!
maar345: girls on the "beach"
maar345: cattle herd coming to "beach"
maar345: crossing the "beach"
maar345: kettle herd at the "beach"
maar345: bicycle
maar345: lizard's lunch and game