Ma' and Pa':
wind power
Ma' and Pa':
Ma' and Pa':
french onion soup
Ma' and Pa':
vegetable fettucini
Ma' and Pa':
shrimp fettucini
Ma' and Pa':
street art
Ma' and Pa':
roadside gallery and hotel
Ma' and Pa':
a street a river
Ma' and Pa':
art in the rain
Ma' and Pa':
la fortuna park
Ma' and Pa':
we were damp
Ma' and Pa':
Ma' and Pa':
the waterfall
Ma' and Pa':
now we are wet
Ma' and Pa':
a lot of water
Ma' and Pa':
both falls
Ma' and Pa':
Casados at Soda del Rio
Ma' and Pa':
Ma' and Pa':
our guide
Ma' and Pa':
paddle happy
Ma' and Pa':
much bigger than it looks
Ma' and Pa':
blue jean frog
Ma' and Pa':
another tree
Ma' and Pa':
not so big
Ma' and Pa':
so much fruit so little time
Ma' and Pa':
iguanas galore
Ma' and Pa':
hanging out
Ma' and Pa':
more iguana
Ma' and Pa':
arenal volcano
Ma' and Pa':
across the lake