m_travels: there is much truth and poetry in dark unassuming alleys just like in people with same qualities
m_travels: farout
m_travels: some things don’t change therefore they can be memorized
m_travels: mercado jamaica
m_travels: more and more millennials choose communal living and also care about the environment a lot
m_travels: telefono de monedas
m_travels: capitalism is dead if you want it to be
m_travels: demonstrate personal will to remain different
m_travels: convenience is our new god
m_travels: m e x i c o c i t y
m_travels: do not tomorrow your life away
m_travels: the world they left
m_travels: society - a camouflage for solitude
m_travels: hope and trust and pixie dust
m_travels: wanted to be caught
m_travels: contortion
m_travels: on the run
m_travels: listen to what they don't say
m_travels: the places you would rather be are not here
m_travels: gedankenexperiment
m_travels: transformation of human consciousness through meditation
m_travels: cryptomnesia
m_travels: endless summer
m_travels: describe the sun using only shadows on the ground
m_travels: despite the sand you won't find anything like an earth beach on mars
m_travels: the personality test
m_travels: don’t always do things the way you have done them simply because that is the way you have always done them
m_travels: selfsensorship
m_travels: acidalia planitia