Betina La Plante: Orchid Blossom
Betina La Plante: Blade Runner
Betina La Plante: Bunny Hop
Ales Dusa: Direct look
Paul Howard Photo: The Still of the Night A little film noir inspiration for a Friday. . . . . . #alienbees #beautiful #beautifulwomen #beauty #Canon #canonlenses #Capture4Cubes #creativeportraiture #fashion #filmnoirfriday #glamour #headshotcrew365 #IJustHelpYouSeeIt #ItsA
Paul Howard Photo: Hands 53 One of my favourite things this year was to capture images of the hands of many of the folks I photographed at the Bethany Care facility in Red Deer. There are a lot of stories in these hands. . . . . . . #BethanyCare #BethanyCollegeSide #blackan
Paul Howard Photo: Hands 58 One of my favourite things this year was to capture images of the hands of many of the folks I photographed at the Bethany Care facility in Red Deer. There are a lot of stories in these hands. . . . . . . #BethanyCare #BethanyCollegeSide #blackan
mdvagua: marco
Ales Dusa: Expressive blue eyes
Daniel_C_C: Ciara
mdvagua: juan
Patrice Dorizon: OLRSLC-8132
Ales Dusa: Lonely elderly man
Ales Dusa: Man in spectacles
Ales Dusa: Close enough
Ales Dusa: Lonely man on a bench
NathalieSt: Summer Love End
Ales Dusa: Feelings
Ales Dusa: Market woman
Ales Dusa: Portrait of a charismatic cowboy
Ales Dusa: A low moan
Betina La Plante: Morning Brew
Lichon photography: Into the Rhododendrums
levyndot: SHOT-8699