M lambie: Sven helps make a tree skirt
M lambie: Leslie and Sven check out the construction
M lambie: Sven sunning himself
M lambie: Sven behind the laundry
M lambie: Sven pretzel
M lambie: Sven's afternoon nap in the sun
M lambie: Sven coming home on a snowy night
M lambie: Oh, yes, this is the life!
M lambie: Sven on the radiator
M lambie: Sven -- can we play now?
M lambie: Sven posing in his Santa hat
M lambie: Sven's winter curl
M lambie: Trying to get Sven to pose in his Santa hat
M lambie: Sven - whiskers and black spot
M lambie: Sven and me on my birthday
M lambie: Doesn't everyone design their wardrobe to match their cat?
M lambie: Sven's new cat bed
M lambie: Why Sven's mommy thought he needed a new cat bed...
M lambie: My first photos of Sven 2
M lambie: My first photos of Sven 1
M lambie: Vegetables? What's that?
M lambie: Sven stalking a squirrel 2
M lambie: Sven stalking a squirrel 1
M lambie: Curled up kitty
M lambie: Happy birthday Sven :)
M lambie: Sven acting mysterious
M lambie: Sven in jail?
M lambie: Sven coming home on a rainy day
M lambie: Sven posing in autumn
M lambie: Sven lounging on the sidewalk