M-Eyes: Anti-War Protest President Lincoln
M-Eyes: Love Peace
M-Eyes: Hope
M-Eyes: Youth Against The War
M-Eyes: Street Sign & Crowd
M-Eyes: Youth Against The War
M-Eyes: Anti-War Smoking sign holders
M-Eyes: Time For A Revolution
M-Eyes: Keep Potland Weird
M-Eyes: Peace Dove
M-Eyes: Peace flags
M-Eyes: Weird Guy Thing
M-Eyes: Bush Rice Rumsfield
M-Eyes: Anti-War Crowd
M-Eyes: March Fourth Marching Band
M-Eyes: Anti-War Singer
M-Eyes: March Fourth Marching Band
M-Eyes: Ron Paul
M-Eyes: Anti-War Crowd
M-Eyes: Guy in Swing Thing
M-Eyes: Body Count Exhibit
M-Eyes: Body Count Exhibit
M-Eyes: Body Count Exhibit
M-Eyes: Body Count Exhibit
M-Eyes: Body Count Exhibit
M-Eyes: Body Count Exhibit
M-Eyes: Body Count Exhibit
M-Eyes: Painter
M-Eyes: Painter
M-Eyes: President Roosevelt