m43photos: Zygoptera bleue / Blue damselfly
m43photos: Grand capricorne - Cerambyx cerdo
m43photos: Bilboquet / Bee bokeh (play on word)
m43photos: Bee bi flowers (2X)
m43photos: Mon premier papillon / My first butterfly
m43photos: Working girl
m43photos: Libellule rouge / Red dragon fly
m43photos: Demoiselle bleue / Blue damselfly
m43photos: Papillon blanc / Large white
m43photos: Cachés / Hidden
m43photos: Libellule & Bokeh / Dragonfly & Bokeh
m43photos: Couple d'araignées / Spiders couple
m43photos: Grosse petite bébête / Creepy-crawly
m43photos: To Bee or not to Bee
m43photos: Taille de guêpe (French expression which means wasp waist)
m43photos: Bee happy!
m43photos: Clytra quadripunctata
m43photos: Prendre la mouche ou pas (means to take the huff with a word play on fly )
m43photos: Je butine... / I forage
m43photos: Je papillonne (means to hover around)
m43photos: M. Butterfly / Mr Butterfly
m43photos: Naître avec le printemps, mourir avec les roses.../ As born with Spring, with roses born away...
m43photos: Feur volante /Flying flower
m43photos: Papillon de jour
m43photos: Papillon de jour