AмŏяŏSŏ ♥: For myself I hold no preferences among flowers, so long as they are wild, free, spontaneous.
AмŏяŏSŏ ♥: آخـــــر لقـــانا في الخــــــــــريف~
AмŏяŏSŏ ♥: I Go To NaTure To Be SooThed anD HeaLed ,, anD To Have My SenSes PuT in Order.
AмŏяŏSŏ ♥: The TRUE MeaninG oF LiFe iS To PlanT TREES,, Under whose Shade You Do NoT ExpecT To SiT !
AмŏяŏSŏ ♥: D-E-A-D Flower ,, D-E-A-D Love
AмŏяŏSŏ ♥: خله يقول العواذلنا تصافينا .. حتى يعرفون يوم أنه تزاعلنا نبغي نزود قهرهم لا تراضينا