m3gustafson: Saarinen
m3gustafson: Virginian River
m3gustafson: Hm that's either Baltimore or DC
m3gustafson: R1-17A
m3gustafson: The Book Thing
m3gustafson: IMG_5863
m3gustafson: John Waters drinks here!
m3gustafson: DC Metro
m3gustafson: Building Museum
m3gustafson: DC View
m3gustafson: Dima's okroshka soup
m3gustafson: James, River
m3gustafson: R1- 1A
m3gustafson: R2- 9A
m3gustafson: Dulles
m3gustafson: IMG_5813
m3gustafson: Mary and Dima
m3gustafson: IMG_5404
m3gustafson: R1- 1A
m3gustafson: IMG_5565
m3gustafson: IMG_5473
m3gustafson: R1-19A
m3gustafson: IMG_5841
m3gustafson: R1- XA