m3gustafson: rotterdam centraal and provenierswijk
m3gustafson: jan, me
m3gustafson: afrikaanderwijk
m3gustafson: construction site and my fav pup in rotterdam
m3gustafson: piet blom
m3gustafson: NAi/OMA
m3gustafson: 1950s rotterdam centraal station rendering
m3gustafson: rotterdam centraal
m3gustafson: rotterdam market
m3gustafson: cube courtyard
m3gustafson: basket, moped
m3gustafson: first class
m3gustafson: erasmusbrug, ben van berkel
m3gustafson: NAi cafe
m3gustafson: our hosts
m3gustafson: contemplating art construction
m3gustafson: we had a picnic
m3gustafson: lunch/coffee/smoke break
m3gustafson: euromullet
m3gustafson: clad in blue blockers