m3gustafson: DSC_0005
m3gustafson: DSC_0006
m3gustafson: swedish potato sausage
m3gustafson: glogg tray
m3gustafson: mom, molly and uncle art
m3gustafson: sil, pickled herring
m3gustafson: we had a lot of jello.
m3gustafson: victoria and nadine
m3gustafson: strid sisters
m3gustafson: uncle dave and john strid
m3gustafson: the haldersons
m3gustafson: a song for grot
m3gustafson: carrol and glen
m3gustafson: poems for grot
m3gustafson: my mom put in 5 almonds
m3gustafson: the strids love molly
m3gustafson: presents!
m3gustafson: gustafson brothers
m3gustafson: dave got a golf club
m3gustafson: ross is happy with his gift
m3gustafson: my family needs this book
m3gustafson: DSC_0113
m3gustafson: um, what?
m3gustafson: yes those are metallic dachshund purses
m3gustafson: DSC_0117
m3gustafson: DSC_0118
m3gustafson: kari will be wearing this everywhere! uh. yep.
m3gustafson: christmas-y