m3gustafson: track 13, south shore
m3gustafson: DSC_0130
m3gustafson: DSC_0139
m3gustafson: DSC_0140
m3gustafson: indiana
m3gustafson: DSC_0142
m3gustafson: east chicago viaduct
m3gustafson: frieght
m3gustafson: freight and factories
m3gustafson: amy & erin
m3gustafson: dunes beach
m3gustafson: the beach
m3gustafson: springtime!
m3gustafson: amy's favorite store
m3gustafson: DSC_0161
m3gustafson: DSC_0162
m3gustafson: "just some small appetizers"
m3gustafson: amy, guy in overalls
m3gustafson: movement! captured!
m3gustafson: DSC_0175
m3gustafson: walk faster!
m3gustafson: home sweet home
m3gustafson: DSC_0178
m3gustafson: chesterton home & garden magazine
m3gustafson: margarita time!
m3gustafson: DSC_0186
m3gustafson: DSC_0187
m3gustafson: DSC_0189
m3gustafson: DSC_0191