m0nt2: Forward to the past
m0nt2: Bed room
m0nt2: Attic
m0nt2: Electricity connected
m0nt2: Old piano
m0nt2: Reflections
m0nt2: Cracked
m0nt2: Gent Alleyway
m0nt2: Hangar 26
m0nt2: Old crane
m0nt2: Pink and blue
m0nt2: Royal Military Museum
m0nt2: Sint-Annatunnel under De Schelde, Antwerp
m0nt2: Several options to get my feet on solid ground!
m0nt2: End of the track
m0nt2: Three stripes
m0nt2: Framed
m0nt2: Abandoned fireplace
m0nt2: Through windows