m0nt2: Portrait
m0nt2: Maintenance of recycling street - 2
m0nt2: Maintenance of recycling street - 1
m0nt2: Portrait
m0nt2: What are we going to do?
m0nt2: Portrait
m0nt2: Saying goodbye
m0nt2: Portrait
m0nt2: Portrait
m0nt2: Couples
m0nt2: Light
m0nt2: You see that?!
m0nt2: How does he do it?!
m0nt2: Meditation (for peace?)
m0nt2: Just chillin'
m0nt2: Explaining
m0nt2: Who's that guy?
m0nt2: I just arrived
m0nt2: Look at eachother
m0nt2: Streetsellers in the 60s
m0nt2: What's the missing word?
m0nt2: Colors
m0nt2: Portrait
m0nt2: Look at me, look at you
m0nt2: Space
m0nt2: Looking into perspective
m0nt2: Cafe De Kat
m0nt2: Light in the Rubenshuis (Rubens Museum, Antwerp)
m0nt2: Police officer
m0nt2: Picture picture picture!