m0nk3yphd: Watching the parade
m0nk3yphd: mmmmm plastic for dinnner
m0nk3yphd: is that a camera..........
m0nk3yphd: eye eye capt'n zed
m0nk3yphd: all worn out
m0nk3yphd: like mother like son
m0nk3yphd: like mother like son
m0nk3yphd: grabbing toes closeup
m0nk3yphd: look I got my toes
m0nk3yphd: and the cat is tickling me
m0nk3yphd: portrait
m0nk3yphd: Sitting up with a stack o'toys
m0nk3yphd: Sitting up with Grandma
m0nk3yphd: Sitting up with Grandma 2
m0nk3yphd: gringle
m0nk3yphd: Grandma Jackie Arrives
m0nk3yphd: Tower One
m0nk3yphd: Off to buy dinner
m0nk3yphd: chewing
m0nk3yphd: DSC_0112.JPG
m0nk3yphd: DSC_0108.JPG
m0nk3yphd: must chew ....EVERYTHING
m0nk3yphd: hold on tight grandma
m0nk3yphd: happy happy playtime
m0nk3yphd: The Ladies
m0nk3yphd: The Tucker Girls
m0nk3yphd: Tasty tasty cow bar
m0nk3yphd: Whoo Judy!
m0nk3yphd: Off to El Malecon
m0nk3yphd: Playing with Grandma