tao-of-m: kehoe_parlor-purple
tao-of-m: kehoe_parlor
tao-of-m: kehoe_dragonfly lamp_2
tao-of-m: Lamp artistry
tao-of-m: Ebony and ivory in the parlor
tao-of-m: kehoe_dining2
tao-of-m: kehoe_stairs
tao-of-m: Fireplace mantle
tao-of-m: kehoe_vanity
tao-of-m: kehoe_armoire detail
tao-of-m: Flickr Friday 28: #LifeIsABoxOfChocolates — or a plate of chocolate covered strawberries
tao-of-m: kehoe_event space2
tao-of-m: kehoe_event space
tao-of-m: Mirror, mirror on the wall...
tao-of-m: Who shall take the mighty throne?
tao-of-m: kehoe_wooden stairs_bw
tao-of-m: kehoe_event_lamp
tao-of-m: kehoe_event_brick & wood_bw
tao-of-m: kehoe_porch1
tao-of-m: kehoe_porch view
tao-of-m: kehoe_porch table
tao-of-m: kehoe_porch & table
tao-of-m: Between the lines
tao-of-m: kehoe_porch door
tao-of-m: oak-lined street
tao-of-m: Live Oaks
tao-of-m: stairs_bw
tao-of-m: Bikes by the river
tao-of-m: cotton exchange
tao-of-m: King of the fountain