Mary Jane 2040: Snowcone
Mary Jane 2040: Archie and Kelly take a sauna
Mary Jane 2040: In the Belly of a Bear
Mary Jane 2040: Fetch it.
Mary Jane 2040: swing thing
Mary Jane 2040: dog snowcone
Mary Jane 2040: snowcone
Mary Jane 2040: Black Box and Woman
Mary Jane 2040: ​Steam Canoe
Mary Jane 2040: Flotsam and Jetsam (in the Fog)
Mary Jane 2040: The Illusory by Humber College
Mary Jane 2040: BuoyBuoyBuoy by Dionisios Vriniotis, Rob Shostak, Dakota Wares-Tani and Julie Forand (Toronto, Canada)
Mary Jane 2040: North By Studio Perch
Mary Jane 2040: The critics
Mary Jane 2040: The Beacon
Mary Jane 2040: Not a Winter Stations Installation
Mary Jane 2040: Distant Beacon
Mary Jane 2040: Every dog is a critic
Mary Jane 2040: snowpuss
Mary Jane 2040: after the storm