mike ixer: Formula e Qualifying, ExCel London, 2022
mike ixer: Formula e Qualifying, ExCel London, 2022
mike ixer: Formula e Qualifying, ExCel London, 2022
mike ixer: Formula e Qualifying, ExCel London, 2022
mike ixer: Formula e Qualifying, ExCel London, 2022
mike ixer: Formula e Qualifying, ExCel London, 2022
mike ixer: Formula e Qualifying, ExCel London, 2022
mike ixer: Formula e Qualifying, ExCel, London, 2022
mike ixer: The incline on the track: level 0 to level 1, ExCel
mike ixer: The incline on the track: level 0 to level 1, ExCel
mike ixer: The incline on the track: level 0 to level 1, ExCel
mike ixer: The curve into the incline, ExCel Formula e
mike ixer: Best view of the incline on the big screen, Formula e ExCel
mike ixer: Want to buy or sponsor a Nissan Formula e car?
mike ixer: Formula e ExCel, London
mike ixer: Awaiting a winner
mike ixer: Formula e, ExCel, London: entrance to the eVillage
mike ixer: Formula e seating in the south exhibition halls, ExCel
mike ixer: Formula e seating in the south exhibition halls, ExCel
mike ixer: Formula e - off duty after the qualifying
mike ixer: Formula e, ExCel: sponsorship
mike ixer: Formula e, ExCel: sponsorship
mike ixer: Formula e, ExCel: sponsorship
mike ixer: Recharge you batteries (at least your phone's)
mike ixer: Electric Carts for the juniors, Formula E, ExCel 2022
mike ixer: Electric Carts for the juniors, Formula E, ExCel 2022; someone moved the plastic blocks!
mike ixer: Electric Carts for the juniors, Formula E, ExCel 2022
mike ixer: 2022-07-30_01-Electric Carts for the juniors, Formula E, ExCel 202249-01
mike ixer: 2022-07-30_01-48-43
mike ixer: Electric Carts for the juniors, Formula E, ExCel 2022