mike ixer: The Moon, Venus and railway lights, Point Pleasant
mike ixer: Moon, Jupiter, Venus over Putney railway
mike ixer: Venus
mike ixer: The Orion constellation by handheld smartphone
mike ixer: The Orion constellation, due South of Putney
mike ixer: The Orion constellation from a hand held smartphone
mike ixer: Moon 10 Jan 2020. Pro v auto shots
mike ixer: The Moon over East Putney
mike ixer: Moon 10 Jan 2020. Pro v auto shots
mike ixer: Moon 10 Jan 2020. Pro v auto shots
mike ixer: Moon 10 Jan 2020. Pro v auto shots
mike ixer: Waxing Moon over Osterley
mike ixer: Waxing Moon over Osterley
mike ixer: Moon over a quiet District line closed for Weekend maintenance 😶
mike ixer: Pigeon under the Moon
mike ixer: Moon in cloud, October ...
mike ixer: Full Moon over the Thames, Putney 14 Sep 19
mike ixer: Putney, Thames view, sunset and full Moon, 14 Sep 19
mike ixer: Putney, Thames view, sunset and full Moon, 14 Sep 19
mike ixer: Putney, Thames view, sunset and full Moon, 14 Sep 19
mike ixer: Putney, Thames view, sunset and full Moon, 14 Sep 19
mike ixer: Harvest Moon, 13Sep19, Bold Tendencies, Peckham #2
mike ixer: Harvest Moon, 13Sep19, from Bold Tendencies, Peckham
mike ixer: The Moon over the City from the Gherkin #1
mike ixer: The Moon over the Southbank
mike ixer: The moon over the District line sunset, East Putney
mike ixer: The moon over the District line sunset, East Putney
mike ixer: The Moon over Sussex, 28 May 19
mike ixer: Sunset in one direction, Moon in another ...
mike ixer: Moon lit clouds #3