mike ixer: "No to Boris", mustering at Parliament
mike ixer: Brass band music from Yorkshire, "No to Boris"
mike ixer: Shuffling along at "No to Boris"
mike ixer: Carnival atmosphere at "No to Boris": belting out Good Vibrations!
mike ixer: True, "No to Boris"
mike ixer: EU dog at "No to Boris"
mike ixer: Apology for Boris at "No to Boris"
mike ixer: Billy Bragg at "No to Boris"
mike ixer: Billy Bragg at "No to Boris"
mike ixer: No to Chris Davies, as well as Boris
mike ixer: Bringing up the rear, "No to Boris"
mike ixer: Catching up the "No to Boris " march
mike ixer: Don't fall over at "No to Boris" Westminster will sweep you up!