M-D: Not a bad view to wake up to, eh?
M-D: Erica!
M-D: Interesting street graffiti.
M-D: The window at X-21 Modern.
M-D: Giant plaster head.
M-D: Big Cat Chic.
M-D: US Secret Service MPPC Target
M-D: The Fish at 816 Valencia (a/k/a The Pirate Store)
M-D: A friendly greeting indeed.
M-D: Jessa and her 'stress reliever'
M-D: Me & Esin
M-D: Jessa, Me, & Esin
M-D: Just in case you forget what direction you're supposed to walk/ride in...
M-D: Um...which is it?
M-D: Sitting outside Lava Java on Stanyan.
M-D: Carla & Kevin
M-D: The assembled movie masses.
M-D: Kevin introduces our film.
M-D: Memories of 1985: Bono @ Live Aid
M-D: Our Feature Presentation