M-D: Leaving work for a week!
M-D: My bags are packed, I'm ready to go...
M-D: Empire State through the fog.
M-D: Leavin' on a jet plane.
M-D: Registration line, part 1
M-D: Registration line, part 2
M-D: Panel: How to Rawk SXSW
M-D: The sea of Big Bags.
M-D: Austin Skyline & the Fortress of Solitude at dusk
M-D: Erica Lucci
M-D: Shuffleboard
M-D: Leia, Kristin & Erica
M-D: Candid: Kevin Lawver & Ari Brown
M-D: The upstairs bar @ Buffalo Billiards
M-D: The host with the most.
M-D: Bryan, "Flagpole Sitta"
M-D: David Dylan Thomas singing (???)
M-D: Smokler sings "Angel of Harlem"
M-D: Dave & Kevin, "Under Pressure"
M-D: "This is ourselves...under pressure..."
M-D: Christine, Kristin (hidden) and Leia, "Walk Like an Egyptian"
M-D: Kevin & Dave, "Shock the Monkey"
M-D: Erica sings "Just Like Heaven" (?)
M-D: Nadatech: Making your dreams of nothingness come true.
M-D: Opal Divine's Penn Field
M-D: Ironworks BBQ
M-D: A shark & an eagle walk into a convention center...
M-D: Panel: Ghost in the Machine - Spirituality Online
M-D: The Austin Convention Center