Lzguy76: Now You Have To Hear Me!, Cambodian Protest, Washington, DC.jpg
Lzguy76: Protesting, But I'm Still Cute! Cambodian Protest, White House, Washington, DC.jpg
Lzguy76: Been There, Got The Hat, Cambodian Protest, White House, Wasington, DC.jpg
Lzguy76: It Is Very Sad!, Cambodian Protest, White House, Washington, DC.jpg
Lzguy76: Tou Must Believe Me 1, Cambodian Protest, White House, Washington, DC.jpg
Lzguy76: Don't Believe Me, I Have Pictures, Cambodian Protest, White House, Washington, DC.jpg
Lzguy76: Hunsen Is Pol Pot, Cambodian Protest, White House Washington, DC.jpg
Lzguy76: Stop The Killing, Cambodian Protest, White House, Washington, DC.jpg