LZ Creations: Spider-man
LZ Creations: Captain America
LZ Creations: The Hulk
LZ Creations: Stewie as The Flash
LZ Creations: Stewie as Wolverine
LZ Creations: Wolverine
LZ Creations: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
LZ Creations: Wonder Woman
LZ Creations: Wonder Woman
LZ Creations: Captain America
LZ Creations: Iron Man
LZ Creations: Batman
LZ Creations: Green Lantern
LZ Creations: Bizarro
LZ Creations: Spider-man
LZ Creations: Vulture
LZ Creations: Hobgoblin
LZ Creations: Electro
LZ Creations: Dr. Octopus
LZ Creations: Typhoid Mary
LZ Creations: Mr. Freeze
LZ Creations: Harley Quinn
LZ Creations: The Mad Hatter
LZ Creations: Catwoman *retro*
LZ Creations: The Penguin