lysurgis23: Pauline with 2 Australian Federal Police officers at Admiralty House, Sydney
lysurgis23: Pauline with 2 Australian Federal Police officers at Admiralty House, Sydney
lysurgis23: Pauline with 2 California Highway Patrol officers, Carmel Valley CA USA, January 2004
lysurgis23: Pauline with a national police officer at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, May 2008
lysurgis23: Pauline in Tony Blair's street, London, May 2008
lysurgis23: John at the Duke of Kendal pub, London. May 2008
lysurgis23: Pauline with a Metropolitan Police officer outside Buckingham Palace, London, May 2008
lysurgis23: Pauline at Buckingham Palace, London, May 2008
lysurgis23: 19052008639
lysurgis23: John engages in civil disobedience, Atlanta GA USA
lysurgis23: Pauline with 2 Atlanta Police Dept officers, April 2008