lyScape: "How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and far more expensive."
lyScape: flower
lyScape: streetlights
lyScape: smoke
lyScape: Lonely ladybug
lyScape: roads in the eyes
lyScape: Silhouette
lyScape: Hola! 12/28/2011
lyScape: I won't even say goodbye.
lyScape: the only one
lyScape: Celeste
lyScape: Frozen
lyScape: Using a telephoto lens.. amazing!
lyScape: " Chi sa ridere è padrone del mondo. "
lyScape: And we've done it again, this trick we have of turning love to pain and peace to war
lyScape: era quasi il 14 agosto.
lyScape: Rest.
lyScape: Un pezzetto di cielo primaverile nello specchietto.
lyScape: " The flowers of spring are winter's dreams recounted in the morning at the table of the angels. "
lyScape: winter seems fall
lyScape: # Con una rosa
lyScape: Nocturne
lyScape: Colors
lyScape: Wonderful-eyes
lyScape: CLOSER
lyScape: Smoke