lyricanna: he makes the goofiest faces
lyricanna: same thing
lyricanna: kiernan drawing on his new easel and talking to my stepmom on the phone
lyricanna: spider lashes
lyricanna: get outta my face!
lyricanna: mama said knock you out
lyricanna: his "angry" face
lyricanna: what do you want?
lyricanna: the sun! it hurts my eyes!
lyricanna: he's such a goob
lyricanna: it's cooooooold
lyricanna: seriously, it's cold!
lyricanna: hehe
lyricanna: happy 3 feet
lyricanna: fun shadow
lyricanna: oh the hilarity!
lyricanna: he is ridiculous
lyricanna: that little tongue is megacute
lyricanna: the face of trouble
lyricanna: peek-a-boo
lyricanna: dancing
lyricanna: make a normal face? what do you mean?
lyricanna: i see you
lyricanna: in the hippo's mouth
lyricanna: in the lion's mouth
lyricanna: slightly out of focus, but too cute not to keep it
lyricanna: omg, this robot is so exciting!
lyricanna: wish he hadn't moved it in front of his face in this shot
lyricanna: "like this, dad?"