lyricanna: i wish i could've stolen that tire
lyricanna: seriously, my dream home
lyricanna: look at that beautiful scenery
lyricanna: huge ass tire
lyricanna: breakin' the law, breakin' the law, breakin' the law
lyricanna: and again
lyricanna: dirty abandoned building
lyricanna: pretty leaf
lyricanna: pollenating
lyricanna: pollenating 2
lyricanna: pollenating 3
lyricanna: pollenating 4
lyricanna: wheel with no water
lyricanna: old truck at the log place
lyricanna: pumpkins and the sheriff in the distance
lyricanna: this setup cracked me up, i didn't know legless, headless mannequins could ride
lyricanna: it was freezing balls out and i was waiting for the trick-or-treaters to show up
lyricanna: fun in reflection land
lyricanna: the scary people gather at the hub
lyricanna: pretty fall leaves
lyricanna: red vines
lyricanna: one year, silkworms killed this tree
lyricanna: do you know why this picture makes me giggle?
lyricanna: red berries
lyricanna: more fall leaves
lyricanna: and the last of the fall leaves
lyricanna: the last leaf
lyricanna: seriously, i looooooooove fall
lyricanna: these trees rock
lyricanna: my favorite tree - i can see it from my desk