lyrebirdcreate (kate): the plants to go to bobo creek
lyrebirdcreate (kate): simmo on his tractor
lyrebirdcreate (kate): simmo dragging away the tree
lyrebirdcreate (kate): our ploughman's lunch
lyrebirdcreate (kate): our ploughman's lunch
lyrebirdcreate (kate): a few less trees by the cottage
lyrebirdcreate (kate): a few less trees by the cottage
lyrebirdcreate (kate): how i love this view
lyrebirdcreate (kate): water tube installation
lyrebirdcreate (kate): water tube installation
lyrebirdcreate (kate): water tube installation
lyrebirdcreate (kate): watertube in place on davidson plum
lyrebirdcreate (kate): my water tank garden is growing
lyrebirdcreate (kate): my water tank garden is growing
lyrebirdcreate (kate): in the creek - cold!
lyrebirdcreate (kate): the water is so cool
lyrebirdcreate (kate): clear creek water
lyrebirdcreate (kate): the creek bed
lyrebirdcreate (kate): bobo creek lower than last time