this lyre lark: boiling cabbage
this lyre lark: purple fingers
this lyre lark: mmm cabbage juice!
this lyre lark: soaking yarn
this lyre lark: red cabbage
this lyre lark: red cabbage
this lyre lark: red cabbage dye
this lyre lark: red cabbage dye
this lyre lark: red cabbage dye
this lyre lark: red cabbage dye
this lyre lark: red cabbage dye
this lyre lark: cotton yarn dyed in red cabbage
this lyre lark: cotton yarn dyed in red cabbage
this lyre lark: cotton yarn dyed in red cabbage
this lyre lark: cotton yarn dyed in tea
this lyre lark: cotton yarn dyed in tea
this lyre lark: cotton yarn dyed in tea
this lyre lark: yarn painting
this lyre lark: dyeing cotton with tea + red cabbage
this lyre lark: dyeing cotton with red cabbage
this lyre lark: cotton dyed with red cabbage