{manda}: 3 {Twelve}: Ship wreck
{manda}: dart
{manda}: A beautiful gift from a friend
{manda}: Ball game
{manda}: The Barbie Campervan
{manda}: Pretty Polaroids
{manda}: Sundays at the bar
{manda}: Home
{manda}: My Heart Keeps Watching
{manda}: North Shore Palms
{manda}: Keiki Hula!
{manda}: The amazingly beautiful Kailua Beach
{manda}: Oh, the food, so much food.
{manda}: Winter Hues
{manda}: Bicycles and Polaroids
{manda}: Bits of Nature
{manda}: jetty
{manda}: Wintery
{manda}: keeper ii
{manda}: speckled
{manda}: 21{52} : Roid Week Tuesday
{manda}: my personal rockstar
{manda}: travel