{manda}: Softly
{manda}: Impressive, no?
{manda}: Fog
{manda}: Spiderwebs
{manda}: What a place
{manda}: Follow
{manda}: Three Wise Trees
{manda}: Winter Hues
{manda}: Happy Holidays from Rifle Paper Co.
{manda}: Capilano
{manda}: Fallen
{manda}: Getting Closer...
{manda}: keeper
{manda}: 6{52}.. for now
{manda}: Mmm..Snowy Seany
{manda}: Seen Before...new scanner! My lil sis...
{manda}: Seen Before...new scanner!
{manda}: Moi in the snow at Manning, British Columbia
{manda}: Sean in the snow at Manning, British Columbia
{manda}: Snow Angels!
{manda}: Sean and I in the snow at Manning
{manda}: Snow Party Aftermath
{manda}: Me in the snow at Manning