Lynn Vesnice: Camperduin
Lynn Vesnice: NewYork Reflections
Lynn Vesnice: Endless
Lynn Vesnice: This week is Holland week. Canal in Amsterdam. Love my country. #theNetherlands #Nederland #Holland #Amsterdam #IAmsterdam #canal #gracht #boats #boten #sloep #photographer #fotograaf #LynnVesnice
Lynn Vesnice: Cheesemarket on Friday in #Alkmaar. #holland #thenetherlands #nederland #kaasmarkt #cheese #kaas #tourists #toeristen #Noord-Holland #photographer #fotograaf #LynnVesnice
Lynn Vesnice: Waiting for the #train to #Amsterdam.
Lynn Vesnice: On my way to #Amsterdam for another shopping session. Have a lovely Saturday!
Lynn Vesnice: Yesterdays view in the dunes. Run/walk in the fog.