lynnmarentette: Apple II-C and Two-Year-Old, 1985
lynnmarentette: 19mosiPad
lynnmarentette: 23mosipad
lynnmarentette: 23mosmuseum
lynnmarentette: 2-year-old and iPAd
lynnmarentette: 2 year-old cozy with an iPad.
lynnmarentette: Baby and Baby
lynnmarentette: Video Chat with Dad.
lynnmarentette: Globe.
lynnmarentette: Grandpa talking with grandkids across the miles.
lynnmarentette: My mom, now a great-grandmother!
lynnmarentette: HotelMultiouch2
lynnmarentette: Multi-touch Hotel Display
lynnmarentette: IMG_3137
lynnmarentette: IMG_3156
lynnmarentette: Multi-tasking with online classmates during a break between "real" computer classes.
lynnmarentette: Interactive submarine exhibit at Discovery Place museum in Huntersville, NC.
lynnmarentette: Seven month-old playing NodeBeat with his fingers and toes.
lynnmarentette: Mutli-touch, circa 2007 or 2008.
lynnmarentette: Dirty QR codes for gardening.
lynnmarentette: Remix History: Levine Museum of the New South
lynnmarentette: 19 month-old and touch screen at Target.
lynnmarentette: 16 months old with iPad (Toca app)
lynnmarentette: From an abandoned training school.
lynnmarentette: 2003 (?) communications technology.
lynnmarentette: Two Year Old and iPad