lynnleton: 『バナナ、うまい』, 'yummy banana'
lynnleton: 父とてつのすけ
lynnleton: grandpa love
lynnleton: brotherly nap
lynnleton: brothers
lynnleton: Tetsutaro、fireman
lynnleton: dinnertime3
lynnleton: dinnertime4
lynnleton: real moment
lynnleton: Tetsutaro took this one. He said 'Make a funny face' so....
lynnleton: てつのすけ、笑っている
lynnleton: Yujo and Tetsunosuke
lynnleton: Look at my new car!!
lynnleton: Tetsuya with his earmuffs
lynnleton: The gang
lynnleton: Yujo's gift
lynnleton: Thanks Santa!