lynnith: Prime viewing location
lynnith: Picnic!
lynnith: The gang
lynnith: R U Going 2 Heave
lynnith: Trust Chris
lynnith: Oh look it's the city again
lynnith: Laurence and Mathilde showing off the view
lynnith: City at sunset
lynnith: Whizz
lynnith: Crack
lynnith: Chhhhhhhhh
lynnith: Pew pew
lynnith: Fizzzzz
lynnith: Rat-tat-tat
lynnith: Crackle
lynnith: Boom
lynnith: Pow
lynnith: Zap
lynnith: Ragtag collection of foreigns
lynnith: Cheers!
lynnith: We were attempting to write 2012, but competence isn't our "thing"