Lynne Fitz: Frankfort Perm Pop start
Lynne Fitz: Lake Michigan overlook, north of Onekama
Lynne Fitz: Ice Cream control in Onekama, with identifying True Value Hardware in the background
Lynne Fitz: Bear Lake control (blow up to read the sign :-) )
Lynne Fitz: Imagine my surprise. Reroute is already designed.
Lynne Fitz: Bagel stop in Beulah.
Lynne Fitz: Finished back in Frankfort. Betsie Lake in the background
Lynne Fitz: Aftermath, part 1. Ride bike back to the Assembly Beach. Fitz's bike in the background
Lynne Fitz: Aftermath, part 2: dish of ice cream, then a dunk in the lake.