Lynne Fitz: Michal and Graham outside Full City Coffee in Eugene
Lynne Fitz: Michal in Brownsville
Lynne Fitz: Promptly breaking in the new bike rando-style, with Cool Ranch Doritos
Lynne Fitz: Graham's bike has a built-in corndog holder
Lynne Fitz: Graham
Lynne Fitz: Michal (and new bike)
Lynne Fitz: Nursery trees in mesmerizing rows
Lynne Fitz: Hark! Info control approacheth!
Lynne Fitz: There it is
Lynne Fitz: Info control selfie
Lynne Fitz: turning around, the power line is covered in stuffies
Lynne Fitz: Inside the bridge
Lynne Fitz: Inside the bridge
Lynne Fitz: Between Stayton and Woodburn
Lynne Fitz: The barn at the southern terminus of Howell Prairie Road
Lynne Fitz: Nursery trees and clouds
Lynne Fitz: Howell Prairie Road, clouds and buildings
Lynne Fitz: Graham
Lynne Fitz: Trees in rows. And good clouds
Lynne Fitz: Michal tanking up in Woodburn
Lynne Fitz: Finish photo with Bill, the perm owner
Lynne Fitz: And Bill takes a picture of all of us