Lynne Fitz: Grand Central Bakery, Multnomah Village
Lynne Fitz: food in North Plains
Lynne Fitz: Bill and Greg
Lynne Fitz: Frost everywhere
Lynne Fitz: Frost detail, North Plains
Lynne Fitz: Foggy farm complex
Lynne Fitz: Bill and Greg
Lynne Fitz: Frosty evidence of participation
Lynne Fitz: Frosty, foggy Laughlin Rd
Lynne Fitz: We've got dirt! Stag Hollow Rd
Lynne Fitz: Greg on Stag Hollow Rd
Lynne Fitz: Foggy barn, Gun Club Rd
Lynne Fitz: Bill taking my picture
Lynne Fitz: Bikes outside Nick's
Lynne Fitz: Lunch at Nick's
Lynne Fitz: Foggy farm on Stag Hollow Road
Lynne Fitz: Happy finishers
Lynne Fitz: And this is why you don't leave food in your bike bag in between rides