eTextile Lounge:
Twill threading of texsolv heddles on Louet Holandia Loom
eTextile Lounge:
Slayed - grey tencel for four ply weave
eTextile Lounge:
8 Harness Hollandia Loom with 4 Layer Handwoven Cloth Samples
eTextile Lounge:
8 Harness Hollandia Loom with 4 Layer Handwoven Cloth
eTextile Lounge:
Blue and White 8/2 Cotton
eTextile Lounge:
Blue and White 4 Harness Pattern Sample for Double Weave
eTextile Lounge:
Double Weave Sampler Blocks in Green and Orange
eTextile Lounge:
Double Weave Sampler in Neon Pink and White
eTextile Lounge:
Handwoven with Love
eTextile Lounge:
Silver Grey and Slate 8/2 Tencel from Webs
eTextile Lounge:
Silver Grey 8/2 Tencel from Webs
eTextile Lounge:
Shale 8/2 Tencel from Webs
eTextile Lounge:
Silver Grey and Slate 8/2 Tencel from Webs and small bobbin of Grey from Yarn Barn
eTextile Lounge:
Plainweave with Grey Tencel Warp and Lavender Mohair Weft
eTextile Lounge:
Plainweave with Grey Tencel Warp and Lavender Mohair Weft
eTextile Lounge:
Plainweave with Grey Tencel Warp and Lavender Mohair Weft
eTextile Lounge:
Grey Tencel Double Plain Weave with all up all down
eTextile Lounge:
Grey Tencel Double Plain Weave with all up all down
eTextile Lounge:
Handwoven Twill Fabric with Threading Errors
eTextile Lounge:
Twill threading of texsolv heddles on Louet Holandia Loom
eTextile Lounge:
Slayed - grey tencel for four ply weave
eTextile Lounge:
Threading Grey Tencel Warp on 8 Shaft Louet Hollandia Loom
eTextile Lounge:
Texasolve Heddles on Louet Hollandia 8 Harness Loom
eTextile Lounge:
Threading Grey Tencel Warp on 8 Shaft Louet Hollandia Loom
eTextile Lounge:
Testing the Threading and Treddle Pattern for a Plainweave Warp
eTextile Lounge:
Threading Errors in Purple Twill
eTextile Lounge:
Threading Errors in Purple Twill
eTextile Lounge:
8 Harness Hollandia Loom with 4 Layer Handwoven Cloth Samples
eTextile Lounge:
8 Harness Hollandia Loom with 4 Layer Handwoven Cloth with 400 Pin Breadboard
eTextile Lounge:
8 Harness Hollandia Loom with 4 Layer Handwoven Cloth with 400 Pin Breadboard