Lynleigh Cooper: Morning Monorail
Lynleigh Cooper: Extra Magic Hours and an iPhone
Lynleigh Cooper: Flowers at the Japanese Pavilion
Lynleigh Cooper: Perfume Galore
Lynleigh Cooper: Across the Lagoon
Lynleigh Cooper: Flowers Everywhere
Lynleigh Cooper: Temple of Heaven, Disney Style
Lynleigh Cooper: Tori Gate
Lynleigh Cooper: The Sun Shines On the Italy Pavilion
Lynleigh Cooper: Lizards Love Disney Too
Lynleigh Cooper: At The Land
Lynleigh Cooper: Gotta Love that Monorail
Lynleigh Cooper: Jammitors Time
Lynleigh Cooper: I Want You to Recycle!
Lynleigh Cooper: Eye of Gill
Lynleigh Cooper: Early Morning at Epcot
Lynleigh Cooper: Elements of China
Lynleigh Cooper: Oriental Ornamentals
Lynleigh Cooper: What A Glorious Evening
Lynleigh Cooper: Konbanwa
Lynleigh Cooper: Top Of the Mornin' To Ya
Lynleigh Cooper: A Horse Of the Sea Kind
Lynleigh Cooper: Spaceship Earth From Across the Lagoon
Lynleigh Cooper: Paris Is Springtime
Lynleigh Cooper: Illuminations
Lynleigh Cooper: This Is Why I Love Epcot
Lynleigh Cooper: A Fish Out of Water At EPCOT
Lynleigh Cooper: Have a Disney Day!
Lynleigh Cooper: Tinkerbell in Moss Form