lyn.f: Red-billed Oxpecker on Impala
lyn.f: Red Billed Oxpeckers
lyn.f: Red Billed Oxpeckers
lyn.f: December - A time for lots of babies!
lyn.f: Tragelaphus scriptus
lyn.f: Kobus ellipsiprymnus
lyn.f: Kobus vardonii
lyn.f: Young Male Kudu
lyn.f: The Stand Off
lyn.f: Impala with Red-billed Ox-Pecker
lyn.f: Roan Antelope - Chobe
lyn.f: Aepyceros melampus - Impala
lyn.f: Puku - Kobus vardoni
lyn.f: Just born - Mum licking off the after-birth...
lyn.f: Baby Impala - Aepyceros melampus
lyn.f: Red Lechwe Male - Kobus leche leche
lyn.f: Just Born - Baby Impala
lyn.f: Roan Antelope - Hippotragus equinus
lyn.f: Greater Kudu - Tragelaphus strepsiceros - Young Male
lyn.f: Red Lechwe - Kobus leche
lyn.f: Kudu Bulls - Tragelaphus strepsiceros
lyn.f: Roan Antelope - Hippotragus equinus
lyn.f: Sable Antelope - Hippotragus niger
lyn.f: Male Impala with Ox-pecker
lyn.f: Baby Waterbuck
lyn.f: Male Waterbuck
lyn.f: Reflections in the eye...
lyn.f: Eye to eye....
lyn.f: Just sitting....
lyn.f: All fluffed up in the early morning chill...