lyndsey127: POD 2015 Block 2
lyndsey127: Finally got some time to sew tonight! Loving my new machine! I'm obsessed with the crystal ball block for the #HarryPotter #ProjectofDoom #PoD2015 @sewhookedjen #fandominstitches #potterhead #unfoggingthefuture #transfiguration #hogwarts #hplove #snapesna
lyndsey127: This one was a doozy! #ProjectofDoom #block3 #deathlyhallows #WeasleyisOurKing #castlepeeps #PoD2015 #pod #ProjectofDoom2015 #owllove #owls #bookshelfquilt #quilting #quiltalong #sewing #stitchitout #quiltblock #hplove #HarryPotter #potterhead #elderwand
lyndsey127: #wingardiumleviosa Love my spectacle block! #ProjectofDoom #PoD2015 #HarryPotter #hplove #quilting #quiltalong #sewing #PQ1500S #quiltblock #houndstooth #stitchitout #feathers #hogwarts #harrysglasses
lyndsey127: My first row of blocks in done! Love these potion fabrics! #ProjectofDoom #ProjectofDoom2015 #PoD2015 #Potions #Apothecary #TulaPink #HarryPotter #hogwarts #hplove #potterhead #quilting #fandominstitches #snapesnapeseverussnape #always #itsrealforus #quil
lyndsey127: Block 8! Love all of these fabrics! The tent fabric worked perfectly for the #QuidditchWorldCup #ProjectofDoom #projectofdoom2015 #pod2015 #HarryPotter #quiltblock #owls #tulapink #quiltalong #sewinglove #potterhead #bookstagram #bookcasequilt #hogwarts
lyndsey127: I adore this block! #goldensnitch #ProjectofDoom #pod2015 #projectofdoom2015 @sewhookedjen #fandominstitches #potterhead #HarryPotter #quiltlove #quiltblock #hogwarts #QuidditchWorldCup #quidditch #imakeeper #bookstagram #bookcasequilt #snapesnapeseveruss
lyndsey127: Project of Doom Week 7
lyndsey127: #ProjectofDoom block 6! The blue roses are from my great grandmother's stash that we used when we made pillows and doll dresses together. This fabric was perfect for #12GrimmaldPlace #theghastlies #Potions #PoD2015 #ProjectofDoom2015 #SiriusBlack #HarryP