lynda_falstaff: Hope Springs Eternal
lynda_falstaff: Square Garden Day 1
lynda_falstaff: Square Garden Day 4
lynda_falstaff: Garden finished
lynda_falstaff: Survivor
lynda_falstaff: Builder Bill
lynda_falstaff: A Cascade of Clematis
lynda_falstaff: Ice white Bearded Iris
lynda_falstaff: Cat on a rock
lynda_falstaff: The base for the shed has been started.
lynda_falstaff: Pond under construction.
lynda_falstaff: The old shed
lynda_falstaff: The Alpine Garden.
lynda_falstaff: I built a pond
lynda_falstaff: Nearly there
lynda_falstaff: Red Admiral.
lynda_falstaff: Red Admiral
lynda_falstaff: Christmas Rose.
lynda_falstaff: New waterfall
lynda_falstaff: Satisfied
lynda_falstaff: Watercourse