Lyell: Jinting
Lyell: Jinting
Lyell: Jinting studio shot
Lyell: Red and shade
Lyell: Jinting
Lyell: Jinting
Lyell: Evil intent...
Lyell: Jinting
Lyell: Yolanda
Lyell: How
Lyell: Light work
Lyell: Thinking quietly
Lyell: Black or White...
Lyell: Reclining
Lyell: The mask
Lyell: anatomy...
Lyell: Lighting
Lyell: Walking on walls ii...
Lyell: Walking on walls...
Lyell: Dancer in red...
Lyell: Back light...
Lyell: Yolanda in red...
Lyell: Yolander
Lyell: The body...
Lyell: manipulated light... 2
Lyell: manipulated light... 1
Lyell: Tracy, studio shot 1
Lyell: Tracy, studio shot 2