lycaenidae_mariposa: Meditation Retreat in WV at Claymont Mansion w/ my friend Lynndel
lycaenidae_mariposa: Meditation Retreat in WV at Claymont Mansion w/ my friend Lynndel
lycaenidae_mariposa: Firefly feast and laughter with my friend Tiffany
lycaenidae_mariposa: my bonus sister-in-love Lizzie and mother-in-love Anne. grateful to be part of the Goodwin clan. always happy to add to my loving family.
lycaenidae_mariposa: Aunt Jo, Mom, and cousin Carla
lycaenidae_mariposa: my sweetie Markie during storytime with Sifu Share Lew at Esalen during a week of glorious qi gong
lycaenidae_mariposa: with my mom, CEO of the Alzheimer's Association Southeast Florida Chapter, on a bus for the Rally in Tally with Alz patients and caregivers to meet with state reps and senators to advocate for change and research and support. My mom is my hero and advocat
lycaenidae_mariposa: my beautiful sister Jennifer with her son and my nephew David. he is a gentle, happy, soulful, musical, creative, compassionate spirit.
lycaenidae_mariposa: with my Grandma Nona
lycaenidae_mariposa: in my Grandma Florence's pool, about age 9, me on far right with Pippi Longstocking braided pigtails, with my big sister and little brother
lycaenidae_mariposa: with my bonus nephew Luke -- meeting and snuggline him for the 1st time at the National Science Festival (thanks to Becki and Dave for sharing)
lycaenidae_mariposa: lounging inside a redwood tree on our honeymoon. bliss.
lycaenidae_mariposa: puppy pile of love and hugs with my Esalen qi gong family tribe Sadira, Mary, and Juanita
lycaenidae_mariposa: loving snuggles and massage with Mary
lycaenidae_mariposa: hugs and laughter and giggles with bonus sister Mary
lycaenidae_mariposa: hugs and laughter and giggles with bonus sister Mary
lycaenidae_mariposa: hugs and laughter and giggles with bonus sister Mary
lycaenidae_mariposa: hugs and laughter and giggles with bonus sister Mary
lycaenidae_mariposa: hugs and laughter and giggles with bonus sister Mary
lycaenidae_mariposa: hugs and laughter and giggles with bonus sister Mary
lycaenidae_mariposa: love on a qi gong break in the sunshine at Esalen with Mary and Suzanne
lycaenidae_mariposa: love and snuggles at Esalen with Markie during qi gong break
lycaenidae_mariposa: love and snuggles at Esalen with Sadira during qi gong break
lycaenidae_mariposa: caught kissing Markie at Esalen during qi gong break
lycaenidae_mariposa: caught kissing Markie at Esalen during qi gong break
lycaenidae_mariposa: newly wedded! bliss! love keeps growing deeper and stronger.
lycaenidae_mariposa: newly wedded! bliss! love keeps growing deeper and stronger.
lycaenidae_mariposa: Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape pow-wow
lycaenidae_mariposa: Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape pow-wow
lycaenidae_mariposa: Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape pow-wow