LycaenaWithAnA: Pale shoulder // Malveneule // Acontia lucida
LycaenaWithAnA: Toothless tiger
LycaenaWithAnA: butterfly with a battlescar // Segelfalter // Iphiclides podalirius
LycaenaWithAnA: Segelfalter // Iphiclides podalirius // scarce swallowtail
LycaenaWithAnA: Drinking buddies
LycaenaWithAnA: Toadally good at hiding, this one...
LycaenaWithAnA: All about eyes
LycaenaWithAnA: My elegant damselfly
LycaenaWithAnA: A damselfly's gotta eat
LycaenaWithAnA: Blue-tailed damselfly // Große Pechlibelle // Ischnura elegans
LycaenaWithAnA: Blue-tailed damselfly // Große Pechlibelle // Ischnura elegans
LycaenaWithAnA: Not so good at hiding, are you?
LycaenaWithAnA: Leaf-cutting cuckoo bee // Kegelbiene // Coelioxys sp.
LycaenaWithAnA: Oblong woolcarder bee // Spalten-Wollbiene // Anthidium oblongatum
LycaenaWithAnA: Red-tailed bumblebee // Steinhummel // Bombus lapidarius
LycaenaWithAnA: Coenagrion sp. // Azurjungfer
LycaenaWithAnA: Coenagrion sp. // Azurjungfer
LycaenaWithAnA: Azure damselfly // Hufeisen-Azurjungfer // Coenagrion puella
LycaenaWithAnA: Damselfly // Libelle
LycaenaWithAnA: Dig in!
LycaenaWithAnA: Small copper // Kleiner Feuerfalter // Lycaena phlaeas
LycaenaWithAnA: Here comes the sun
LycaenaWithAnA: Hauhechel-Bläuling / Polyommatus icarus / common blue butterfly
LycaenaWithAnA: Hauhechel-Bläuling // Polyommatus icarus // common blue butterfly
LycaenaWithAnA: Hauhechel-Bläuling // Polyommatus icarus // common blue butterfly
LycaenaWithAnA: Hauhechel-Bläuling / Polyommatus icarus / common blue butterfly
LycaenaWithAnA: Hauhechel-Bläuling // Polyommatus icarus // European common blue
LycaenaWithAnA: Andrena florea // Bryony mining bee // Zaunrüben-Sandbiene
LycaenaWithAnA: Tulip with a bee